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Evropos is one of the most remarkable archeological locations of the region, located in the district of Paeonia about 1km southwest of the present village. with findings dating back to the prehistoric era. In the excavations in the area performed in 1989, a necropolis was discovered, confirming the ancient place-name as being the one in use today. The earliest indications that the old city had been inhabited come from the prehistoric settlement at the heart of modern municipality.It is mainly known as the archaic, full scale (1.80 m height) statue of Kouros dating to the 6th century B.C. It is a statue of Cycladic styleand is the only Kouros statue found in north Greek region. It is housed in the archeological museum of Kilkis.


Contact Details

mem_img  Dimosthenis Traditional Guesthouse

home_icon  Kountourioti 17
  P.C. 61300  |  Goumenissa - Kilkis


img2  (+30) 23430 41302
  (+30) 23430 43371


Η επιχείρηση ενισχύθηκε για τον εκσυγχρονισμό της στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Ψηφιακή Σύγκλιση».

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