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Aggistro in Serres
For anyone who would like to use Goumenissa as a base to get to know the Central Macedonia better, 
the roads are good and the radius of action may bring you to the nearby prefecture of Serres and 
the thermal baths of Aggistro ('Hook' in Greek).

A few kilometers from the Greek-Bulgarian border and 125 km away from Goumenissa is this border village of Aggistro.

Aggistro is a spring with healing waters of the village from the Byzantine era dating back to 1100 AD and new baths 
were built in recent years.

Eachone of the baths can be rented for half an hour for individual use or shared between friends and partners for a
 few moments of relaxation and an unforgettable experience.

Also the water is indicated for the treatment of arthritis, skin disease, sciatica, backache, skin disorders, 
traumatic inflammation, gallstones klp.Epeidi but the water temperature is 41 ° Celsius is contraindicated 
for those suffering from varicose veins, varicose veins, heart disease and those with unstable pressure .

The hammam is a fun alternative that can be done anytime, day or night.

Very close by are the strongholds of Roupel Fort, Lake Kerkini, Mount Mpeles, Cave Alistratis and neighboring Bulgaria.


Contact Details

mem_img  Dimosthenis Traditional Guesthouse

home_icon  Kountourioti 17
  P.C. 61300  |  Goumenissa - Kilkis


img2  (+30) 23430 41302
  (+30) 23430 43371


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